Our Story

Rosie Honey is a family-owned and operated company that is local to Florida. We are big on natural honey and its amazing benefits.


My name is Gwenn, and I am the founder of Rosie Honey. I was never a fan of honey. This was the last type of business I thought I would ever be a part of, let alone be owner and operator.

During my childhood, honey was an important part of our family’s daily life, especially as an essential ingredient in home remedies for a cold or flu.

Being from a large family of eleven children, our parents believed in natural remedies for everything. It was customary to be given honey, being tapped up with honey elixir from sibling to sibling.

I was the odd one out, as the honey did not sit well with me, and I could not enjoy it as my other siblings did.

Given this experience as a child, naturally, I was turned off from honey and stayed away for much of my adult life.

Then, a few years ago, one of my brothers approached me and challenged me; he said, “Taste this honey; I guarantee that you will like it.” Of course, I refused, and he let it go.

A few months later, he rechallenged me to taste this honey, assuring me that l would like it. Oh, how my childhood memories came flooding back.

“This honey is different from our childhood honey,” he said. This time, I gave in, and was he right! The first thing I noticed, it sat well with me.

It was 100 percent unfiltered raw honey, and it was good. It made me realize that I was not getting the “good stuff” all this time, which is why it was not sitting well with me.

It also made me reflect on how many people like me are not getting the “good stuff” and are completely oblivious to it. Where did my brother get this honey?!

Do we have something here? Hence, Rosie Honey was born!

Experience the wonders of Real Honey!